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ADB start intent sms android that lists all available SMS

I tried to find a way to start the SMS intent in Android (Samsung) with ADB :

adb shell am start -n

I managed to find that the package Name is "" and the intent is ".ui.ConversationComposer".

However this will start directly the New compose message intent, while I tried to start the view where all the SMSs are (it shall lists the SMS in my Android phone). When I trace down with "adb dumpsys window Windows", the SMS listing still uses the above intent (ui.ConversationComposer).

A Workaround for this is launching the SMS Composer and running twice

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK

How can I get into this view without having to Launch Composer view and pressing back twice with ADB?


  • I found another work around solution from this link:

    adb shell monkey -p -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1