I am working on creating a view that will only display posts whose deadlines dates have not passed. accomplish this I've added the following my views.py file:
current_posts = Posts.objects.filter(post_name=post, deadline__range=[date.today(), "2999-12-31"]).order_by('deadline')
This way I am able to only show posts whose deadline range fall between today and December 31, 2999. However I get the following error, and no posts show at all:
RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField OfferedFunds.deadline received a naive datetime (2999-12-31 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
Past solutions posted left me trying the following which also does not work:
current_posts = Posts.objects.filter(post_name=post, deadline__range=[timezone.now(), "2999-12-31"]).order_by('deadline')
What does work is if instead of entering: timezone.now(), I enter an actual date like "2015-10-10" however this defeats the purpose. Any ideas on how I can solve this?
Instead of checking a range, you can do deadline__gte=timezone.now()
This page has more info: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/models/querysets/#gte