I have a hash that passed to OpenStruct
in order to make it word with a .
. This works perfectly. But when ever I try to access a key that does not exist undefined method <unknown key> for #<Hash:0x7f24ea884210> (NoMethodError)
is raised. How can I make it return nil
If I try the same thing with the original hash I get nil
but not with OpenStruct
The snippet from the program:
TXT_HASH = load_data("test.txt")
pp TXT_HASH[:ftp][:lastname] ## print nil as lastname does not exist
TXT = OpenStruct.new(TXT_HASH)
pp TXT.ftp.lastname ## raises NoMethodError ## Can it return nil?
OpenStruct is not recursive. In this case TXT.ftp
returns a Hash, not an OpenStruct, so #lastname
is not defined.
If you want, there is a library called recursive-open-struct. Use it like this:
require 'recursive-open-struct'
TXT = RecursiveOpenStruct.new(TXT_HASH)
pp TXT.ftp.lastname #=> nil