I'm trying to create a seaborn facetgrid with pointplots.
My data is:
DaysIn GroupUID OTU_id value
1 3.A 1 33
1 3.B 1 73.17647059
1 4.A 1 48.12903226
1 4.B 1 39.875
2 3.A 1 23.76470588
2 3.B 1 43.71428571
2 4.A 1 51.73333333
2 4.B 1 42.06896552
3 3.A 1 2
3 3.B 1 10.71428571
3 4.A 1 12.93333333
3 4.B 1 15
4 4.A 1 11.53333333
4 4.B 1 27.86206897
5 3.A 1 1.882352941
5 3.B 1 1.857142857
5 4.A 1 41.9
5 4.B 1 46.28571429
6 4.A 1 58.7
6 4.B 1 101.0344828
7 3.A 1 1.466666667
7 3.B 1 3.428571429
7 4.A 1 74.9
7 4.B 1 102.4137931
8 3.A 1 10.875
8 3.B 1 5.538461538
8 4.A 1 35.5
8 4.B 1 72.33333333
9 3.A 1 21.6
9 3.B 1 16.42857143
10 3.A 1 25.46666667
10 3.B 1 18.85714286
14 3.A 1 29
14 3.B 1 65.8
21 3.A 1 117.1428571
21 3.B 1 104.2142857
28 3.A 1 91.06666667
28 3.B 1 52.78571429
1 3.A 2 27.0625
1 3.B 2 14.23529412
1 4.A 2 32.74193548
1 4.B 2 18.625
2 3.A 2 15
2 3.B 2 23.64285714
2 4.A 2 13.1
2 4.B 2 19.75862069
3 3.A 2 7.6875
3 3.B 2 2.928571429
3 4.A 2 24.46666667
3 4.B 2 29.86206897
4 4.A 2 43.2
4 4.B 2 22.4137931
5 3.A 2 3.117647059
5 3.B 2 4.428571429
5 4.A 2 24.13333333
5 4.B 2 43.35714286
6 4.A 2 31.13333333
6 4.B 2 81.72413793
7 3.A 2 1.333333333
7 3.B 2 4.857142857
7 4.A 2 368.4666667
7 4.B 2 62.34482759
8 3.A 2 0.9375
8 3.B 2 4.384615385
8 4.A 2 0
8 4.B 2 0.333333333
9 3.A 2 0.733333333
9 3.B 2 2.357142857
10 3.A 2 3.4
10 3.B 2 1.357142857
14 3.A 2 4.3
14 3.B 2 0.4
21 3.A 2 2.357142857
21 3.B 2 6.285714286
28 3.A 2 15.93333333
28 3.B 2 9.571428571
The following code will generate the following figure:
g = sns.FacetGrid(long_df, col='GroupUID', row='OTU_id', sharey=False, sharex=False, margin_titles=True)
g = g.map(sns.pointplot,'DaysIn','value')
You can see that the figure is just about perfect, except for the "None" title in the bottom right facet.
The following code will generate the following figure:
g = sns.FacetGrid(long_df, col='GroupUID', hue='OTU_id', sharey=False, sharex=False, margin_titles=True)
g = g.map(sns.pointplot,'DaysIn','value')
Same issues as above (with the "None") and the legend is not being rendered correctly with color.
Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong?
There are two issues here: the None
in the title I cannot reproduce; I suspect you're using an older version of seaborn?
The legend issue is described here: essentially the pointplot
has its own hue
argument, so you can change the location which you specify the hue:
g = sns.FacetGrid(long_df, col='GroupUID', sharey=False, sharex=False, margin_titles=True)
g = g.map(sns.pointplot,'DaysIn','value', 'OTU_id', palette='deep')
The other answer also recommends using factorplot
, which basically combines FacetGrid
and pointplot
within one interface:
g = sns.factorplot(x="DaysIn", y='value', hue="OTU_id",
col='GroupUID', data=long_df, sharex=False, sharey=False)
The result is a bit different, but is better reflective of the missing values in your data.