I am trying to publish windows phone cordova application on windows store. I build application with:
cordova build widows --release
When upload, I am getting error
Package acceptance validation error: The Publisher attribute of the Identity element in the app manifest of file CordovaApp.xxx.appx is CN=$username$, which doesn't match your publisher ID: CN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I tried associate app with defining next line config.xml:
<preference name="windows-publisher-id" value="-appCN-" />
but there is stil:
<Identity Name="xxx" Publisher="CN=$username$" Version="" ProcessorArchitecture="neutral" />
in AppxManifest.xml after build. How can I specify CN value? (I am not using Visual Studio)
Try changing the Publisher
attribute of the Identity
tag in /platforms/windows/package.phone.appxmanifest
EDIT: There is now a better solution (see cadesalaberry's answer below)