I am trying to call a dll from Delphi XE5.
I have spent a day or so Googling for things like "Call C DLL from Delphi" and found a number of pages but nothing really helped me.
I have received examples of how to call the dll in VB:
Declare Function IxCommand Lib "IxxDLL.dll" (ByVal command As String, ByVal mailbox As String) As Integer
Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim command As String * 135
Dim mailbox As String * 135
command = "move:a,1000"
IxCommand( command, mailbox)
End Sub
Also calling the DLL in VC 6.0:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
typedef UINT (CALLBACK* LPFNIXDLLFUNC)(char *ixstr, char *mbstr);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HINSTANCE hDLL; // Handle to DLL
LPFNIXDLLFUNC lpfnIxDllFunc; // Function pointer
hDLL = LoadLibrary( "IxxDLL.dll" );
if (hDLL == NULL) // Fails to load Indexer LPT
printf("Can't open IxxDLL.dll\n");
else // Success opening DLL - get DLL function pointer
lpfnIxDllFunc = (LPFNIXDLLFUNC)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "IxCommand");
printf( "Type Indexer LPT command and press <Enter> to send\n" );
printf( "Type \"exit\" and press <Enter> to quit\n\n" );
while( 1 )
char ix_str[135]; // String to be sent to Indexer LPT
char mailbox_str[135]; // Results from call into Indexer LPT
gets( ix_str ); // Get the string from the console
if( _stricmp( ix_str, "exit" ) == 0 ) // Leave this program if "exit"
lpfnIxDllFunc( ix_str, mailbox_str ); // Otherwise call into Indexer LPT
printf( "%s\n\n", mailbox_str ); // Print the results
FreeLibrary( hDLL );
return 0;
A complication I have noticed is the need to define the size of the memory allocation before calling the DLL, as shown above.
The dll takes a command in the first argument and returns result text in the second argument.
Here is the Delphi code I have generated to try and call the DLL. I know the dll loads because it has a splash screen that shows. No error is generated when I call the dll. You will see that I used arrays to allocate space and then assigned their locations to Pchar variables. I do not have any header file for the original dll, nor the source code. You will see I declared the external function using stdcall but I have also tried cdecl with no change.
The Problem: The information returned in arg2 is not the expected text string but a string of what translates as non-english characters (looks like chinese).
I am guessing I am not sending the dll the correct variable types.
The Question: Can anyone help me formulate the declaration of the external function and use it correctly, so that I get back the text strings as desired?
See below:
function IxCommand (command : PChar; mailbox : PChar) : Integer; stdcall; external 'IxxDLL.dll';
procedure TfrmXYZ.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
LocalResult : Integer;
arg2 : PChar;
ArrayStrCmd : array[0..134] of char;
ArrayStrMbx : array[0..134] of char;
ArrayStrCmd := 'Accel?:a' + #0;
ArrayStrMbx := ' ' + #0;
arg1 := @ArrayStrCmd;
arg2 := @ArrayStrMbx;
LocalResult := IxCommand(arg1, arg2);
The problem is character encodings. In Delphi 2009+, PChar
is an alias for PWideChar
, but the DLL is using Ansi character strings instead, so you need to use PAnsiChar
instead of PChar
Try this:
function IxCommand (command : PAnsiChar; mailbox : PAnsiChar) : Integer; stdcall; external 'IxxDLL.dll';
procedure TfrmXYZ.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
LocalResult : Integer;
ArrayStrCmd : array[0..134] of AnsiChar;
ArrayStrMbx : array[0..134] of AnsiChar;
ArrayStrCmd := 'Accel?:a' + #0;
LocalResult := IxCommand(ArrayStrCmd, ArrayStrMbx);
function IxCommand (command : PAnsiChar; mailbox : PAnsiChar) : Integer; stdcall; external 'IxxDLL.dll';
procedure TfrmXYZ.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
LocalResult : Integer;
ArrayStrMbx : AnsiString;
SetLength(ArrayStrCmd, 135);
StrPCopy(ArrayStrCmd, 'Accel?:a');
SetLength(ArrayStrMbx, 135);
LocalResult := IxCommand(PAnsiChar(arg1), PAnsiChar(arg2));