I'm trying to use JSONAPI Resources in a Rails engine and I've defined DokiCore::Tenant
(the model) in doki_core/app/models/tenant.rb and DokiCore::TenantResource
in doki_core/app/resources/tenant_resource.rb. When I attempt to serialize to hash, I encounter the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method
tenant_path' for #<Module:0x007f9d04208778> from /Users/typeoneerror/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2@doki/gems/jsonapi-resources-0.6.1/lib/jsonapi/link_builder.rb:77:in
The resource uses model_name
to let it know where the model actually is:
module DokiCore
class TenantResource < JSONAPI::Resource
model_name 'DokiCore::Tenant'
# ...
I'm trying to output the hash for a tenant like so:
tenant = DokiCore::Tenant.find(1);
resource = DokiCore::TenantResource.new(tenant, nil);
serializer = JSONAPI::ResourceSerializer.new(DokiCore::TenantResource);
which is where the error happens.
How can I get the links to work correctly and/or disable them? I assume this is there it adds the URL to the resource as a link under the "links" key in the outputted json.
Sorted this out. If your routes are namespaced in any way, your resources also need to be namespaced to match. My routes look something like:
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :tenants
So the resource needs to be namespaced the same way:
tenant = DokiCore::Tenant.find(1);
resource = DokiCore::API::V1::TenantResource.new(tenant, nil);
serializer = JSONAPI::ResourceSerializer.new(DokiCore::API::V1::TenantResource);