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Intranet NT logged user

I have a welcome head


But I pretend get welcome to the NT logged user


<h2>Welcome <%response.write request.servervariables("LOGON_USER")%></h2>

gives me the DOMAIN\USER how I can only show the user? I don't want the domain appears in the text.


I edit this post to not create a new one. I try google but can't find any help I'm getting the correct NT-Logged user. However could I get the name of the nt-user... the corresponding one? Example: Mine NT-User is KFHM. but my name in windows is KikoFHM. At the moment I'm getting the KFHM but how to get the KikoFHM?


  • Just use Split() to separate the Domain from the Username, it uses the \ as a delimiter creating an Array with two elements, to get just the Username call the second element.

    Dim username
    username = Split(Request.Servervariables("LOGON_USER"), "\")(1)

    This is a quick and dirty approach you can expand it and check for the \ beforehand to avoid errors, something like

    Dim cred, domain, username,
    cred = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") & ""
    If InStr(1, cred, "\") > 0 Then
      cred = Split(cred, "\")
      domain = cred(0)
      username = cred(1)
    End If

    If you not interested in structuring your code at all you can always use this quick and dirty piece of code;

    <%= Split(Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") & "", "\")(1) %>