I would like to use propel 2, using the .zip file in windows but I can't make it work according the docs1 (I use wamp and ampps, different servers)
so I unzipped the file inside my WWW folder in my (wamp) server
I try to call http://server/test/propel/bin/propel.php
and i get a 500 error page; watching the php log file I see:
- PHP Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder' not found in ...\bin\propel.php on line 16
- PHP Stack trace:
- PHP 1. {main}() ...\propel.php:0
then i tried use the command line; and I set the PHPBIN variable to my php folder ('cause that one didn't exists in my environment) run the propel.bat and I get:
..\php5.5 is not reconigzed as a internal or external command ...
but then the docs didn't mention how to proceed afterwards for configure the connection
please, did anybody try this? what should I do??
thanks in advance!
Did you install it via composer? It's heavily recommanded as propel2 have a lot of dependancies, and it's a kinda complicated setup. http://propelorm.org/documentation/01-installation.html#via-composer https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
Anyway, once installed (in your project, you have a vendor/bin/propel file), open console in your project root directory and use :
vendor\bin\propel init
vendor\bin\propel sql:build
I guess without composer, you have no bin in your vendor folder. If so, and you installed it via zip, you might need to go to folder vendor/propel directly and then in console :
bin\propel init
bin\propel sql:build
Good luck, I remember not figuring it out right away either despite using composer.