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ASP.NET error with Nhibernate

I have LineBrand table which has many LineBrandLocalization. When I map it like

 HasMany(x => x.LineBrandLocalizations)

and LineBrandLocalizations is

public virtual IEnumerable<LineBrandLocalization> LineBrandLocalizations
    get { return _lineBrandlocalizations; }

private IList<LineBrandLocalization> _lineBrandlocalizations = new List<LineBrandLocalization>();

I get the error

NHibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find field '_lineBrandLocalizations' in class 'LineBrand'.

What is wrong with it?


  • The naming is essential. Your field is

    _lineBrandlocalizations // see the lower l localizations

    while it should be

    _lineBrandLocalizations // see the upper L Localizations