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How to know PPTP client local IP in a LAN assigned automatically by PPTP server?

I've configured my PPTP server to automatic assign IP's for the clients.

I'm interested in know what's the current local IP assigned to an specific user. I actually have an script to determine the remote IP but actually I'm not finding the way to find the LAN IP.

That's a sample line in the CHAP file, as you can see, the IP is auto-assigned:

test pptpd 0802928d37e151f338696d1601040570 *



  • I was reading little bit more (few days later) and there's a PPTP "database" that you can use to do that.

    The code below:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    @line = `/usr/bin/tdbdump /var/run/pppd2.tdb |grep "PEERNAME="`;
    foreach $user (@line) {
        chomp ($user);
        undef $name;
        undef $iplocal;
        @record = split (/\;/, $user);
        foreach $field (@record) {
            if ($field =~ /PEERNAME/) {
                $field =~ s/PEERNAME\=//gi;
                $name = $field;
            if ($field =~ /IPREMOTE/) {
                $field =~ s/IPREMOTE\=//gi;
                $field =~ s/(.*)\\.*/$1/gi;
                $iplocal = $field;
        if ((defined $name) && (defined $iplocal)) {
            print ("$iplocal        $name\n");

    I copied the script /usr/bin to run it easy. The sample output will be like that:

    root@localhost:~# wppp        test

    I hope it help somebody :)