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Compiling shared project in solution for x86 platform

I have problem with MSIL dll after build solution. I have 2 solution build one by one. Solution are builded on Jenkins with these parameters:

/t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:TargetFramework=v4.0 /p:Platform=x86

Solution 1

  • Project A
  • Project B
  • Project C

Solution 2

  • Project D
  • Project E
  • Project F - has project reference to Project A. Project A is not included to Solution 2.

All project has output to common\bin folder. After build ends, in bin folder I find Project A builded in MSIL. Solution 2 replace it these dll.

I use MSBUILD from .NET 4.0.30319 folder.

I remove from solution AnyCPU and Mixed mode. Alse I removed this configuration from each project.

How to tell MSBUILD to build each project in x86 platform?


  • you are doing the right thing. Its just you need to use /p:PlatformTarget=x86 instead of /p:Platform=x86