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Formatting of numbers: Get rid of thousand separators (comma, quote, etc)

I use version 3.4.0 of SQuirreL SQL client, and whenever I execute a request that returns numbers (IDs for example), the result numbers are formatted with commas, i.e. 123,456,789 instead of plain 123456789. How can I change this formatting, so that there are no more commas?


  • Sure can do:

    • Open the "File" menu
    • Select "Global preferences"
    • Select the "Data Type Controls" tab
    • Scroll all the way down
    • The last section deals with "FLOAT, REAL, DOUBLE, NUMERIC, DECIMAL (SQL types 6, 7, 8, 2, 3)". There, select the "default format" option. See also this screenshot:

    SquirrelSQL Data Type Controls