I have used SplitView
in my Windows 10 Universal Application and I added pivot to the SplitView
Problem is when I start the application I cant click on Pivot headers to navigate.
This problem is occurring on Phone only Desktop or tablet not showing this issue.
If I Click on Hamburger Menu to open SplitView
.Pane and then close the Pane I can touch the pivot headers and navigate pivot items.
Why my Pivot headers are not clickable at the start?
<PivotItem />
<PivotItem />
<PivotItem />
Hamburger Menu Button
Other Buttons
Hi i have the same issues when i was using spiltview + pivot in UWP
<!-- your view left bar view here -->
<!-- remove your splitView.content tag then put your frame here -->
<Frame x:Name="SplitViewFrame"/>
then set your select values like
SplitViewFrame.Navigate(typeof(your pivot page));
now it will be work