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'importlib._bootstrap' has no attribute 'SourceLoader'

I'm trying to build an app with cx_freeze and esky. It was working before (ok, maybe some months ago. Since then, python 3.5 went out).

I have the following exception:

File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/esky/", line 578, in compile_to_bytecode
    loader = importlib._bootstrap.SourceLoader()    
AttributeError: module 'importlib._bootstrap' has no attribute 'SourceLoader'

I'm using:

  • Python 3.5.0
  • Esky 0.9.9 (latest) from pypi
  • cx_freeze 4.3.4-2

And I'm on Manjaro (Linux). I can not figure out where the problem comes from. Could you give me a hand please ?


  • mmm there might be a bug there looking at the source code:

    if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 1):
        bytecode = imp.get_magic() + struct.pack("<i", 0)
        bytecode += marshal.dumps(compile(source_code, compile_filename, "exec"))
    elif sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4):
        bytecode = imp.get_magic() + struct.pack("<ii", 0, 0)
        bytecode += marshal.dumps(compile(source_code, compile_filename, "exec"))
        loader = importlib._bootstrap.SourceLoader()    
        code = loader.source_to_code(source_code, '<string>')
        bytecode = importlib._bootstrap._code_to_bytecode(code, mtime=0, source_size=0)

    Can you try to replace that line with:

    loader = importlib._bootstrap_external.SourceLoader()

    If that works then try using a lesser version than 3.5 and submit a bug in their github issue page.