Suppose I want to create the app which allow user enter a message on Android and display it in Morse code on the Arduino by toggling the LED. A message in Morse code consists of series of dashes (LONGS) and dots (shorts). These dashes and dots can then be displaying by turning the LED on for the correct number of time units.
#include <Usb.h>
#include <AndroidAccessory.h>
#define LED_PIN 13
#define SHORT 0
#define LONG 1
#define LETTER 2
#define WORD 3
#define STOP 4
#define UNIT 250
AndroidAccessory acc("testing",
void setup()
// set communiation speed
void loop()
byte msg[125];
if (acc.isConnected()) {
int len =, sizeof(msg), 1); // read data into msg variable
if (len > 0) { // Only do something if a message has been received.
displayMorseCode(msg, len);
digitalWrite(LED_PIN , LOW); // turn off light
//For toggle the LED for certain length of time use the delay()
//call delay(UNIT) to pause execution of UNIT milliseconds
//long unit *3 , short = unit
void displayMorseCode(byte* msg, int len) {
// TODO :Interpret the message toggle LED on and off to display the
morse code
if (msg[0] == 1)
The message consists of the following values, which have been defined as constants:
SHORT:a dot in morse
LONG:a dash morse
LETTER: the end of a letter in morse
WORD: the end of a word in morse
STOP: the end of the morse
How to implementing displayMorseCode this function?
//For toggle the LED for certain length of time use the delay()
//call delay(UNIT) to pause execution of UNIT milliseconds
//long unit *3 , short = unit
void displayMorseCode(byte* msg, int len) {
int delayT = 0;
int unit = 300;
// TODO :Interpret the message toggle LED on and off to display the
morse code
for (int i = 0 ; i< len; i++)
if (msg[i] == 1) {
delayT = 3*unit;
else {
delayT = unit;
This is a very simple answer, that will change the duration depending on the byte received. Now you must create a dictionary for each byte, so that depending on the byte (i.e. S = short,short,short) you create the write output, in the same way I showed you, but you should change digitalWrite() with the new function, that will create each letter's morse code. So the if condition would be for each letter (i.e. if (msg[i] == 83)
- the S in decimal ASCII-)