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Check type in Xtend validator

I want to check the type of an feature inside my Xtend validator.

The Xtext grammar looks like the following:

    'Element' name=ID
    'feature' feature=DOUBLE
    'end' 'Element'

This is how it is used:

Element MyElement
    feature 2.5
end Element

If trying to use a INTEGER value instead of DOUBLE for feature, the editor shows the error:

mismatched input '84900' expecting RULE_DOUBLE

I would like to overwrite the message. Therefore I've created a validation method inside my validator. In the method I would like to check the type of the feature. This is what I am trying to do:

def checkFeatureType(Element element) {
    if (element.feature instanceof Double) {
        // shows error!

The instanceof check shows the following error:

Incompatible conditional operand types double or Double and Double or double

How can I perform a type check or is there a better way to override the standard message mentioned above?


  • Thanks to Sebastian, I've found the solution.

    First of all, it is necessary to add an SyntaxErrorMessageProvider to the RuntimeModule, which has the name <LanguageName>RuntimeModule. In case of the given example in my opening post, it would be MyLanguageRuntimeModule.

    public class MyLanguageRuntimeModule extends my.language.AbstractMyLanguageRuntimeModule {
        public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator> bindIGenerator() {
            return my.language.generator.MyLanguageGenerator.class;
        public Class<? extends ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider> bindISyntaxErrorMessageProvider() {
            return MyLanguageSyntaxErrorMessageProvider.class;

    After that, the new class should be created. In my case the class name is This class should then be filled with logic. For example, to overwrite the message I mentioned in my first post, the getSyntaxErrorMessage() in MyLanguageSyntaxErrorMessageProvider could look like this:

    public SyntaxErrorMessage getSyntaxErrorMessage(IParserErrorContext context) {
        if (context.getRecognitionException() instanceof MismatchedTokenException) {
            MismatchedTokenException exception = (MismatchedTokenException) context.getRecognitionException();
            String value = exception.token.getText();
            return new SyntaxErrorMessage("The type of " + value + " is wrong.", IssueCodes.FALSE_PARAMETER_TYPE);
        // additional implementations
        return null;

    My class looks like the following (and can be extended with additional issue codes):

    public interface IssueCodes {
        String PREFIX = "my.language.";
        String UNCAPITALIZED_ENTITY_NAME = "UncapitalizedEntityName";
        String FALSE_PARAMETER_TYPE = "FalseParameterType";