We have a system where an order is placed using Demandware
as frontend. The order details then goes into Netsuite (ERP)
. We need Order Tracking feature for customers where they can login and track their order. This could be built in JSP
. I have installed PHP-Toolkit but do not find any order tracking API.
Working on localhost, what change should be done in NSConfig.php
parameters to test sample API's provided ?
$nsendpoint = "2015_1";
$nshost = "https://webservices.netsuite.com";
$nsemail = "[email protected]";
$nspassword = "mySecretPwd";
$nsrole = "3";
$nsaccount = "MYACCT1";
Found one useful link that integrate Netsuite with PHP, but not sure how to get this working ?
Order Tracking API
?In broader terms, it goes like below
Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere.
You can use SuiteTalk APIs to track orders in any Server side language of your choice. NetSuite help has details on consuming the SOAP APIs in Java and PHP, for other languages you may to do some extra effort, but, it is possible.
In SuiteTalk there are APIs for Sales Order and Item Fulfillment so, that you can track order details as well as its fulfillment and shipping details.
You can search, update, create and delete orders/fulfilments from SOAP/Suitetalk APIs.
the documentations are available here as Records Guide and here as platform Guide (Might require logging into NetSuite)
Alternatively, you can write RESTlets in your NetSuite account using NetSuite's Suitescripts and bundle them (if you want to use across other NetSuite Accounts), and then use HTTPS requests from your server side language to do the CRUD operations on order/fulfulilment records.
How do I track the order on frontend as a customer using Nestuite Order Tracking API ?
From front end, I suggest to write a middleware or a web server that speaks to NetSuite APIs, as you would not want to expose the NetSUite credentials/tokens required by APIs
Is there any already available API's that supports the above feature ?
Yes, please see the linked PDFs on syntax/API help on searching/listing orders/fulfilments or else write your own RESTlet code using SuiteScript and HTTPs it.
How and where do I test if any API for order tracking is available ?
You, need to have access to a NetSuite account for that. You can request NetSuite if you are a SDN partner for a test account. If your company is not a SDN partner you can request a community supported test account using your company's email id only.
Working on localhost, what change should be done in NSConfig.php parameters to test sample API's provided ?
You cant test on localhost, you got to have a NetSuite Account
$nsendpoint = "2015_1"; //not required to change
$nshost = "https://webservices.netsuite.com"; //once you obtain the NetSuite account will vary based on you data center
$nsemail = "[email protected]"; // your login email
$nspassword = "mySecretPwd"; // your password
$nsrole = "3"; //your role Id (if you are an admin you can leave it)
$nsaccount = "MYACCT1"; // your netsuite account Id