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Getting alias path of file in swift

I'm having trouble resolving the alias link on mac. I'm checking if the file is an alias and then I would want to receive the original path. Instead I'm only getting a File-Id. Anly ideas?

func isFinderAlias(path:String) -> Bool? {

    var isAlias:Bool? = false // Initialize result var.

    // Create a CFURL instance for the given filesystem path.
    // This should never fail, because the existence isn't verified at this point.
    // Note: No need to call CFRelease(fUrl) later, because Swift auto-memory-manages CoreFoundation objects.
    print("path before \(path)");
    let fUrl = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nil, path, CFURLPathStyle.CFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false)
    print("path furl \(fUrl)");
    // Allocate void pointer - no need for initialization,
    // it will be assigned to by CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey() below.
    let ptrPropVal = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.alloc(1)

    // Call the CoreFoundation function that copies the desired information as
    // a CFBoolean to newly allocated memory that prt will point to on return.
    if CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(fUrl, kCFURLIsAliasFileKey, ptrPropVal, nil) {

        // Extract the Bool value from the memory allocated.
        isAlias = UnsafePointer<CFBoolean>(ptrPropVal).memory as Bool

        // it will be assigned to by CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey() below.
        let ptrDarwin = UnsafeMutablePointer<DarwinBoolean>.alloc(1)

        if ((isAlias) == true){
            if let bookmark = CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, fUrl, nil){
                let url = CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(kCFAllocatorDefault, bookmark.takeRetainedValue(), CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask, nil, nil, ptrDarwin, nil)
                print("getting the path \(url)")

        // Since the CF*() call contains the word "Copy", WE are responsible
        // for destroying (freeing) the memory.

    // Deallocate the pointer

    return isAlias

EDIT: Both Answers are correct! I would choose the answer of mklement0 due to the originally not stated requirement that the code run on 10.9 which makes it more flexible


  • vadian's answer works great on OS X 10.10+.

    Here's an implementation that also works on OS X 10.9:

    // OSX 10.9+
    // Resolves a Finder alias to its full target path.
    // If the given path is not a Finder alias, its *own* full path is returned.
    // If the input path doesn't exist or any other error occurs, nil is returned.
    func resolveFinderAlias(path: String) -> String? {
      let fUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path)
      var targetPath:String? = nil
      if (fUrl.fileReferenceURL() != nil) { // item exists
        do {
            // Get information about the file alias.
            // If the file is not an alias files, an exception is thrown
            // and execution continues in the catch clause.
            let data = try NSURL.bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL(fUrl)
            // NSURLPathKey contains the target path.
            let rv = NSURL.resourceValuesForKeys([ NSURLPathKey ], fromBookmarkData: data) 
            targetPath = rv![NSURLPathKey] as! String?
        } catch {
            // We know that the input path exists, but treating it as an alias 
            // file failed, so we assume it's not an alias file and return its
            // *own* full path.
            targetPath = fUrl.path
      return targetPath


    • Unlike vadian's solution, this will return a value even for non-alias files, namely that file's own full path, and takes a path string rather than a NSURL instance as input.

    • vadian's solution requires appropriate entitlements in order to use the function in a sandboxed application/environment. It seems that this one at least doesn't need that to the same extent, as it will run in an Xcode Playground, unlike vadian's solution. If someone can shed light on this, please help.

      • Either solution, however, does run in a shell script with shebang line #!/usr/bin/env swift.
    • If you want to explicitly test whether a given path is a Finder alias, see this answer, which is derived from vadian's, but due to its narrower focus also runs on 10.9.