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How to assign simply multiple return values?

Traditionally this is done with out parameters, for example:

void notfun(ushort p, out ubyte r0, out ubyte r1)
    r0 = cast(ubyte)((p >> 8) & 0xFF);
    r1 = cast(ubyte)(p & 0xFF); 

With tuples it's possible to rewrite it as

auto fun(ushort p)
    import std.typecons;
    return tuple
        cast(ubyte)((p >> 8) & 0xFF) ,
        cast(ubyte)(p & 0xFF)

Unfortunately, the result is not assignable directly to a tuple of variable:

void main(string[] args)
    ushort p = 0x0102;
    ubyte a,b;
    // ugly brute cast!
    *(cast(ReturnType!(typeof(fun))*) &a) = fun(0x0102) ;

Is there a special syntax to allow something like

(a,b) = fun(0x0102);

or any other idiomatic way to do something similar ?


  • It's possible to implement PHP's list construct as a function in D:

    This will work for tuples and static arrays.