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ggvis add_tooltip character variables don't render

So I am working on an interactive map of Jordan, to display registered Syrian refugees per governorate. The interactivity added is pretty simple; using add_tooltip, once you hover over a governorate it shows the name and the total number of refugees. However it does not show the name. When I use print or format on it, it then shows 'NULL'. What could be the reason?

A reproducible code can be found below:



jor %>% ggvis(~long, ~lat) %>%
layer_paths(data = jor %>% group_by(group), 
strokeWidth := 0, fill = ~total) %>%
hide_axis("x") %>% hide_axis("y") %>%
add_tooltip(function(data){paste("Gov: ", data$name, "<br>", "Total: ", as.character(data$lat))}, "hover")


  • On layer_paths you group the data frame by group and you use a fill of the total and you also choose long and lat in your original ggvis call. Therefore, your data frame going in add_tooltip contains exactly those columns i.e. there is no name column.

    A fast check showed me that there each group corresponds to only one name as you can see below:

    > table(jor$group, jor$name)
             ajlun amman aqaba balqa irbid jarash karak ma`an madaba mafraq tafilah zarqa
      2009.1     0     0    87     0     0      0     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2010.1     0     0     0     0     0      0     0     0      0    115       0     0
      2011.1     0   102     0     0     0      0     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2012.1     0     0     0     0     0      0     0     0      0      0      67     0
      2013.1     0     0     0     0     0      0     0    70      0      0       0     0
      2014.1     0     0     0     0   159      0     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2015.1    41     0     0     0     0      0     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2016.1     0     0     0     0     0     42     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2017.1     0     0     0    80     0      0     0     0      0      0       0     0
      2018.1     0     0     0     0     0      0     0     0     60      0       0     0
      2019.1     0     0     0     0     0      0    74     0      0      0       0     0
      2020.1     0     0     0     0     0      0     0     0      0      0       0    86

    Therefore, just changing the group argument to name instead of group seems to work. See below the code:

    #I have added a fake total column
    jor$total <- runif(983) * 100

    and this code works:

    jor %>% ggvis(~long, ~lat) %>%
      layer_paths(data = jor %>% group_by(name), 
                  strokeWidth := 0, fill = ~total) %>%
      hide_axis("x") %>% hide_axis("y") %>%
      add_tooltip(function(data){paste("Gov: ", data$name, "<br>", "Total: ", as.character(data$lat))}, "hover")

    enter image description here

    Actually, I think that the total column is actually the lat column in your case (judjing from as.character(data$lat)) that you write in add_tooltip) in which case doing

    jor %>% ggvis(~long, ~lat) %>%
      layer_paths(data = jor %>% group_by(name), 
                  strokeWidth := 0, fill = ~lat) %>%
      hide_axis("x") %>% hide_axis("y") %>%
      add_tooltip(function(data){paste("Gov: ", data$name, "<br>", "Total: ", as.character(data$lat))}, "hover")

    will work anyway.