I am trying to install steam bot on Centos 6.7. I have installed NuGet2, mono, steam, I have done all, what was said in Jessecar96 Installation Guide.
I have compiled Nuget, mono latest release, but nothing happens. When I am trying to run SteamBot.exe, which should be on Bin/Release folder, it shows me error, that file don't exist. Maybe I have done something wrong?
cd ~/SteamBot/Bin/Release/SteamBot.exe
and I get error, that file doesn't exist.What is this problem?
Okay multiple issues here.
After cloning the repo you need to compile the source it contains.
By default the output is to /Bin/Debug/
Even assuming that you do those two steps cd is for changing directories and you would do mono ~/SteamBot/Bin/Debug/SteamBot.exe