I can locate an iframe in an Android webview, but I need to interact with it. Various pages suggest
query("webView css:'iframe'", :stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString => '...')
but that results in "No such method found: stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString([String])" and it looks like an iOS function, so I'm pretty sure this is an iOS-only solution: I need Android.
I know I can pass javascript queries in by opening them in a URL, but I've only experienced getting stuff out of an Android webview with specially-code Chrome objects linked in to the application.
Any ideas for getting data out?
The iOS responses are correct, you should use javascript to get the contents of an iframe. However, you should use evaluate_javascript(query_string, javascript)
to evaluate javascript in Android. e.g
evaluate_javascript("webview", "return document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('...').getBoundingClientRect();")
Use the coordinates to tap the view.
If the rect is not parsed correctly, you could do something like this:
var boundingBox = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect();
var rect = {};
rect.width = boundingBox.width;
rect.height = boundingBox.height;
rect.left = boundingBox.left;
rect.top = boundingBox.top;
return rect;
Secondly, query('webView css:#grabby')
is not a valid query. query('webView css:"#grabby"')
or query("webView css:'#grabby'")
is. You are most likely running a (very) old version of Calabash-Android if the test-server is crashing instead of reporting it.