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Get Access to CoreTelephony.framework

I'm using nst's iOS Runtime Headers to get access to the CoreTelephony.framework.

Here is his sample code:

NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FTServices.framework"];
BOOL success = [b load];

Class FTDeviceSupport = NSClassFromString(@"FTDeviceSupport");
id si = [FTDeviceSupport valueForKey:@"sharedInstance"];

NSLog(@"-- %@", [si valueForKey:@"deviceColor"]);

His sample usage code gives me access to FTServices.framework but when I apply the same logic, it fails since CoreTelephony does not house a class method named sharedInstance().

Should I declare and implement that myself or is there another way?



My attempt:

NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework"];
BOOL success = [b load];

Class CTTelephonyNetworkInfo = NSClassFromString(@"CTTelephonyNetworkInfo");
id si = [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo valueForKey:@"sharedInstance"]; // fails here

NSLog(@"-- %@", [si valueForKey:@"cachedSignalStrength"]);


  • The problem is that CTTelephonyNetworkInfo actually has no property sharedInstance. Referred from here, CTTelephonyNetworkInfo is a data structure designed to house the relevant info, and can be accessed (constructed) directly through the standard [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init] (referred from here).

    So for your case:

    NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework"];
    BOOL success = [b load];
    Class CTTelephonyNetworkInfo = NSClassFromString(@"CTTelephonyNetworkInfo");
    id si = [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"-- %@", [si valueForKey:@"cachedSignalStrength"]);

    Make sure you test on an actual phone though! Simulators have no such information stored.

    Edits: If you want to call methods on a generated class, use performSelector: or NSInvocation class.