I am attempting to download and convert OpenStreetMap data of the Washington DC area using osgEarth.
I am using the openstreetmap_flat.earth example from osgEarth.
<map name="OpenStreetMap" type="projected" version="2">
<terrain engine="quadtree" range_mode="PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN" tile_pixel_size="256"/>
<image name="osm" driver="xyz">
<cache_policy usage="none"/>
My bounding box for the DC area is SW(-77.0518, 38.8414) NE(-76.9488, 38.9589)
I'm using osgearth_package with the following command line options to perform my download. The goal is to get 19 levels of detail of the DC area. I believe I'm entering the coordinates in as UTM but I could be miserably wrong.
osgearth_package --tms ../openstreetmap_flat.earth --out c:/osgearth/ --out-earth osm.earth --max-level 19 --verbose --bounds -8564949.622936 4698767.775034 -8587714.346282 4698703.947754
The output isn't quite right. I'm getting parts of south america, and africa. Also, while I do get higher level of detail from the DC area, it's nowhere near 19 levels. It's more like 5 levels.
I'm expecting only the DC area to show up on my map with 19 levels of detail, nothing else.
Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions?
I think your problem is spherical Mercator vs UTM. The docs for osgearth_package http://docs.osgearth.org/en/latest/user/tools.html#osgearth-package
say --bounds xmin ymin xmax ymax bounds to package (in map coordinates; default=entire map) You can provide multiple bounds
So, I think your bounds coordinates need to be in spherical Mercator, not in UTM.