and contacthours.Hours1To
are throwing an exception. is there a difference between hh and HH ?
ExtendedContactDetailsType contactdetails = new ExtendedContactDetailsType();
contactdetails.ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled = true;
ContactHoursDetailsType contacthours = new ContactHoursDetailsType();
contacthours.Hours1AnyTime = false;
contacthours.Hours1Days = DaysCodeType.Weekdays;
contacthours.Hours1From = DateTime.ParseExact("08:00", "hh:mm", null);
contacthours.Hours1To = DateTime.ParseExact("16:00", "hh:mm", null);
contacthours.TimeZoneID = "Eastern";
contactdetails.ContactHoursDetails = contacthours;
item.ExtendedSellerContactDetails = contactdetails;
The first problem is that you're not using the 24-hr hour format string:
contacthours.Hours1From = DateTime.ParseExact("08:00", "HH:mm", null);
contacthours.Hours1To = DateTime.ParseExact("16:00", "HH:mm", null);
Whether or not that's the only problem is unclear.