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Launch Screen not displaying iOS 8

I'm trying to get the Launch screen to display instead I get the default black screen.

I remember I've had this issue in the past and is something really silly but I can't remember what it is.

I have a LaunchScreen.xib. I've set in my target -> info to use LaunchScreen and not image catalog. I am running iOS 8 and using Xcode 6.1. I tried on all iPhone simulators and iPhone 4s.

I can't think what more info to give than that.


  • I had the same issue. Turned out that I had earlier tried to attach a viewcontroller file with the launchscreen. To fix:

    1. Go to launch screen
    2. Click Connections Inspector in right pane
    3. Remove all connections.

    Accoring to @doctorBroctor: also go to the File's Owner tab and remove the connections there.