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How to use a condition inside Detail view widget in Yii2?

following is a detail view widget

 <?= DetailView::widget([
        'model' => $model,
        'attributes' => [

            'label'  => 'Reference Date',
            'value' => $model->reference_date !=NULL  ?  $model->reference_date: 'Not Defined',

    ]) ?>

what i want is to check that

                    if($model->voucher_category ==0)
                        return "Income Voucher";
                    elseif($model->voucher_category ==1)
                        return "Exepense Voucher";
                         return "General Voucher"; 

ie, i want to check a condition based on which a value should be displayed in the view. How can i do this in a detail view widget?


  • You can add condition using ternary. For Example,

     'attribute' => 'voucher_category',
     'value' => (($model->voucher_category ==0) ? "Income Voucher": (($model->voucher_category ==1)? "Exepense Voucher" : "General Voucher")),