I've got Date field in my POJO and I use retrofit to parse JSON. In some cases returning value of this field can be empty or null. And I get error:
Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "" (at offset 0)
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(DateFormat.java:618)
at com.google.gson.DefaultDateTypeAdapter.deserializeToDate(DefaultDateTypeAdapter.java:105)
Is there any smart way to handle this exception with retrofit?
You should register a custom Deserializer
for the Date
GsonBuilder gBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new JsonDeserializer<Date>() { .... }
Gson gSon = gBuilder.create();
when the callback is invoked, check the content of the JsonElement
before formatting the date, and act accordingly.
Don't forget to call addConverterFactory
with the Gson instance you created. Eg