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Calculating the factorial without trailing zeros efficiently?

I'm trying to improve the running time of the factorial calculation of the large number.

The first Code which simply loop over and multiplies.

def calculate_factorial_multi(number):
    This function takes one agruments and
    returns the factorials of that number

    This function uses the approach successive multiplication

    like 8! = 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

    If 0 or 1 retrun immediately
    if number == 1 or number == 0:
        return 1

    result = 1 # variable to hold the result

    for x in xrange(1, number + 1, 1):
        result *= x
    return result

The profiled result for this function :

For n = 1000 -- Total time: 0.001115 s

for n = 10000 -- Total time: 0.035327 s

for n = 100000 -- Total time: 3.77454 s.

From the line profiler for n = 100000 i can see that most of the %time was spent in multiplication step which is '98.8'

31    100000      3728380     37.3     98.8         result *= x

So tried to reduce the multiplication in factorial by half, for even number, hence doing Strength Reduction.

Second half multiplication Code:

def calculate_factorial_multi_half(number):

    if number == 1 or number == 0:
        return 1

    handle_odd = False
    upto_number = number

    if number & 1 == 1:
        upto_number -= 1
        print upto_number
        handle_odd = True

    next_sum = upto_number
    next_multi = upto_number
    factorial = 1

    while next_sum >= 2:
        factorial *= next_multi
        next_sum -= 2
        next_multi += next_sum

    if handle_odd:
        factorial *= number

    return factorial

The profiled result for this function :

For n = 1000 -- Total time: 0.00115 s

for n = 10000 -- Total time: 0.023636 s

for n = 100000 -- Total time: 3.65019 s

Which shows some improvement in the mid range but didn't improved much with scaling.

In this function too most of the %time is spent on multiplication.

61     50000      3571928     71.4     97.9         factorial *= next_multi.

So I tired to remove the trailing zeros and then multiply.

Without Trailing zeros code.

def calculate_factorial_multi_half_trailO(number):
    Removes the trailling zeros
    if number == 1 or number == 0:
        return 1

    handle_odd = False
    upto_number = number

    if number & 1 == 1:
        upto_number -= 1
        handle_odd = True

    next_sum = upto_number
    next_multi = upto_number
    factorial = 1
    total_shift = 0
    while next_sum >= 2:
        factorial *= next_multi
        shift = len(str(factorial)) - len(str(factorial).rstrip('0'))
        total_shift += shift
        factorial >>= shift
        next_sum -= 2
        next_multi += next_sum

    if handle_odd:
        factorial *= number

    factorial <<= total_shift
    return factorial

The profiled result for this function :

For n = 1000 -- Total time: 0.061524 s

for n = 10000 -- Total time: 113.824 s

so instead of decreasing the time it's increasing the time because of the string conversion as also '96.2%' of the time is spend on that

 22       500        59173    118.3     96.2        shift = len(str(factorial)) - len(str(factorial).rstrip('0')).

So my question is how can i get the trailing zeros and use with shift efficiently without compromising the time.

All the profiling done on. Elementary OS(Linux): 64bit, Ram : 6GB


  • Without trailing zero seems not very efficient.

    First, I suggested using prime decomposition to reduct total number of multiplications because prime numbers smaller than x is about x/lnx.

    def calculate_factorial_multi(number):
        prime = [True]*(number + 1)
        result = 1
        for i in xrange (2, number+1):
            if prime[i]:
                #update prime table
                j = i+i
                while j <= number:
                    prime[j] = False
                    j += i
                #calculate number of i in n!
                sum = 0
                t = i
                while t <= number:
                    sum += number/t
                    t *= i
                result *= i**sum
        return result

    for n = 10000, total time : 0.017s

    for n = 100000, total time : 2.047s

    for n = 500000, total time : 65.324s

    (PS. in your first program, for n = 100000, total time is 3.454s in my machine.)

    Now let's test whether it is efficient without trailing zero. The number of trailing zero equals the number of prime factors 5 in n!. The program is like this

    def calculate_factorial_multi2(number):
        prime = [True]*(number + 1)
        result = 1
        factor2 = 0
        factor5 = 0
        for i in xrange (2, number+1):
            if prime[i]:
                #update prime table
                j = i+i
                while j <= number:
                    prime[j] = False
                    j += i
                #calculate the number of i in factors of n!
                sum = 0
                t = i
                while t <= number:
                    sum += number/t
                    t *= i
                if i == 2:
                    factor2 = sum
                elif i == 5:
                    factor5 = sum
                    result *= i**sum
        return (result << (factor2 - factor5))*(10**factor5)

    for n = 10000, total time : 0.015s

    for n = 100000, total time : 1.896s

    for n = 500000, total time : 57.101s

    It is just a little faster than before. So Without trailing zero seems not very useful