I am working on something in nodejs, I am looking to implement something using
But when i get compiled version,It doesn't seems to work on nodejs,But It does work on browsers
Is there is any nodeJs implementation of
available ?
Yes, there is a way for you to use it in nodejs. It's a bit of a hack, but doable by loading it using closure way.
First build it so it generates a deps.js
cd end-to-end;
./do.sh build_library
Then you can override the import function to do the job of loading the library.
global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT = function(src) {
var E2E_PATH = './';
var CLOSURE_SOURCE = './lib/closure-library/closure/goog/';
try {
require(CLOSURE_SOURCE + src);
} catch (err) {
require(E2E_PATH + src);
return true;
console.log(e2e.openpgp.asciiArmor.encode('MESSAGE', e2e.stringToByteArray('test')));
Update: I add a package to do this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/e2enode