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Ionic Side Menu on enter and leave (show / hide)

I'm trying to listen to when ionic-side-menu are opened and closed. To do this I am attaching the $ionicView.enter and $ionicView.leave like so:

$scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function(){
  console.log('leave called');

$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
  console.log('enter called');

Using this code $ionicView.enter is called once when the app loads and never again when toggling the menu. $ionicView.leave also never gets called.


  • You can use $ionicSideMenuDelegate.isOpen() to keep track of opening and closing of the side menu:

    $scope.$watch(function() { return $ionicSideMenuDelegate.isOpen(); }, function(isOpen) {
        if (isOpen) {
            // Menu Opened
        else {
            // Menu Closed
