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Onsen UI page navigation with parameters not working

I'm using Onsen UI and AngularJS, and trying to pass a value on Onsen navigation , but it is not working. What can be wrong?


<ons-button modifier="clean" ng-click="menu.setMainPage('page2.html', {closeMenu: true}, {color:'red'})"><img src="red.jpg"></ons-button>

<ons-button modifier="clean" ng-click="menu.setMainPage('page2.html', {closeMenu: true}, {color:'blue'})"><img src="blue.jpg"></ons-button>


        <p>the color is: {{ color }}!</p>


app.controller('colorController', function($scope, colorData) {
    var page = $scope.ons.navigator.getCurrentPage();
    $scope.color = page.options.color;

When I run it, the page2 at <p>***{{ color }}***</p> does not display the color based on clicked button (red or blue). It displays only the color is: !

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!


  • You cannot pass options with a Sliding Menu and read them with a Navigator. There is no menu.getCurrentPage() in Sliding Menu so you have to use a Navigator for that. It's possible to emulate it using navigator.resetToPage() method instead of menu.setMainPage(). First, you need a Navigator as a child of your Sliding Menu:

      menu-page="menu.html" main-page="navigator.html" var="menu" ...>
    <ons-template id="navigator.html">
        <ons-navigator var="navi" page="main.html"></ons-navigator>

    Then, in the menu:

    <ons-template id="menu.html">
          <ons-list-item onclick="navi.resetToPage('main.html'); menu.close()">Main</ons-list-item>
          <ons-list-item onclick="navi.resetToPage('page.html', {param1: 'hoge', param2: 'fuga'}); menu.close()">Page with params</ons-list-item>

    Now you can access to the parameters with navi.getCurrentPage().options. Working in this codepen: