I'm having trouble with this program and don't know what's the problem. In this "Guess the number game" the user tell the minimum number and the maximum number range for the game. Then the user tells how many opportunities he have to play.
Have two main problems: 1. The loop counter doesn't work 2. My conditionals jumps are behaving rare.
Notice that I'm using the Irvine Library for this Assembly Program. Need help and I need to get this to work. Thank a lot!!! Here is the code:
; Asignación Gabriel E. Rosario
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
startMsg BYTE "Saludos! Tienes que adivinar un numero escondido.",0
minMsg BYTE "Dame el valor minimo a adivinar: ",0
maxMsg BYTE "Dame el valor maximo a adivinar: ",0
intentos BYTE "Cuantos intentos deseas para adivinar este numero? ",0
esMenor BYTE "El numero es menor ",0
esMayor BYTE "El numero es mayor ",0
tienes BYTE "Tienes ",0
adivina BYTE " intentos. Adivina el numero: ",0
won BYTE "Felicidades, Adivinastes!!!",0
loss BYTE "Perdistes.",0
over BYTE "Juego Terminado",0
; Empty variables
minNum BYTE ?
maxNum BYTE ?
randomNumber BYTE ?
myNumber BYTE ?
loopCounter BYTE ?
main proc
call Randomize
; ============== Saludos ================
mov edx, offset startMsg
call writeString
call Crlf
; ============== Give MinValue ================
mov edx, offset minMsg
call writeString
call readInt
mov minNum, al
; ============== Give MaxValue ================
mov edx, offset maxMsg
call writeString
call readInt
mov maxNum, al
;============ Opportunities ==================
mov edx, offset intentos
call writeString
call readInt
mov loopCounter, al
call Crlf
;============= Make random num and save it =============
call Range ; calling Range function
call RandomRange
add al, minNum
mov randomNumber, al
; ======= Call the big baby :) ======
call Looper
Losser: ; Display if you loose
mov edx, offset loss
call writeString
call Crlf
call WaitMsg
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
mov edx, offset esMenor
call writeString
call Looper
call Crlf
mov edx, offset esMayor
call writeString
call Looper
call Crlf
mov edx, offset won
call writeString
jmp Done
call Crlf
mov edx, offset over
call readString
call Crlf
; =============== funciones =============
Looper proc
; Cuantos intentos tienes?
movzx ecx, loopCounter
mov edx, offset tienes
call writeString
mov eax, ecx
call writeDec
mov edx, offset adivina
call writeString
;========= escribir numero =================
call readInt
mov myNumber, al
call Compara
loop MSG_Intentos
Looper endp
Compara proc
mov myNumber, al
mov bl, myNumber
cmp bl, randomNumber
call Jumps
Compara endp
Jumps proc ; These aren't working so well, don't know why...
jg Menor
jl Mayor
je Winner
Jumps endp
Range proc
movzx eax, maxNum
sub al, minNum
inc eax
Range endp
end main
; Formula para sacar el range.
; Range = (max - min) + 1
- The loop counter doesn't work
mov edx, offset esMenor
call writeString
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;call Looper
call Crlf
mov edx, offset esMayor
call writeString
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;call Looper
call Crlf
You can't call Looper from these 2 codes! Just ret
will bring you back to your loop.
- My conditionals jumps are behaving rare
Compara proc
mov myNumber, al
mov bl, myNumber
cmp bl, randomNumber
jl Menor ;;;;;;;;jg Menor
jg Mayor ;;;;;;;;jl Mayor
je Winner
Compara endp
Use other conditional jumps and don't put the interpretation of the flags in a different procedure. Flags need not be defined at procedure entry!