I'd like to use the function CGDisplayStreamCreateWithDispatchQueue.
The documentation tells me to use the following possible values for "pixelFormat": (The parameter needs to be an Int32)
The desired Core Media pixel format of the output frame data. The value must be one of the following:
'BGRA': Packed Little Endian ARGB8888
'l10r': Packed Little Endian ARGB2101010
'420v': 2-plane "video" range YCbCr 4:2:0
'420f': 2-plane "full" range YCbCr 4:2:0
If I type in for example 'BGRA', then Xcode tells me that this is an invalid argument. What shall do?
In the C language you can specify a multi-character constant which results in an int32
value. Swift doesn't provide this natively. You can just pass the equivalent constant.
For 'BGRA'
you need to pass 0x42475241
. 0x42
is the ASCII value for B
, 0x47
is the ASCII value for G
, etc.
I verified this by creating this function in C
int32_t convertBGRA() {
int32_t i = 'BGRA';
return i;
and calling it from Swift:
print(String(format: "%x", convertBGRA())) // output: "42475241"
Here are all of the values:
let pixelFormat_BGRA = 0x42475241
let pixelFormat_l10r = 0x6c313072
let pixelFormat_420v = 0x34323076
let pixelFormat_420f = 0x34323066
Here is an extension to Int32
that initializes the value from a string of 4 characters.
extension Int32 {
init?(char4: String) {
var result: UInt32 = 0
let scalars = char4.unicodeScalars
if scalars.count != 4 {
return nil
} else {
for s in scalars {
let value = s.value
if value > 255 {
return nil
result = result << 8 + value
self = Int32(bitPattern: result)
For an input of 'BGRA'
you'd use:
Int32(char4: "BGRA")!