Search code examples

Update array with new values from table

I have table with prices for some items:

| ItemID (INT) | Price (INT) |
|       1      |      50     |
|       2      |      36     |
|       3      |      11     |
|       4      |      22     |
|       5      |      54     |
|       6      |      38     |
|       7      |       2     |
|       8      |       1     |
|       9      |      39     |

This table contains most actual prices, updating every hour (for example).

I have something like "carts" with items and prices that was actual at cart creation time:

| CartID (INT) | Items (INTEGER[]) | Prices (INTEGER[]) |
|       1      |      {1,2,3}      |     {50,25,310}    |
|       2      |      {4,5,6}      |    {1337,20,32}    |
|       3      |     {1,9,6,7}     |   {258,356,711,2}  |

At some event I have to update prices in this carts to actual ones.

My function (not finished):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.prices_update(startindex integer)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
    cart RECORD;
    prices INTEGER[];
    t RECORD;
    FOR bet IN
        SELECT * FROM Carts WHERE CartID > startindex
        prices := ARRAY[]::INTEGER[];
        FOR t IN
            SELECT ItemID, Price FROM Prices WHERE ItemID = ANY(cart.Items)
            prices := prices || t.Price;
        END LOOP;
        RAISE NOTICE '%', prices;

So, I stuck on new prices array creation. Position of prices should be linked with positions of items in array. How to make it? Or maybe more clever solutions for saving prices?


  • This query select carts with prices from table items:

    select cartid, array_agg(c.itemid) items, array_agg(i.price) prices
    from (
        select cartid, unnest(items) itemid
        from carts
        where cartid > 0        -- startindex
        ) c
        join items i using(itemid)
    group by 1
    order by 1;
     cartid |   items   |    prices    
          1 | {1,2,3}   | {50,36,11}
          2 | {4,5,6}   | {22,54,38}
          3 | {1,6,7,9} | {50,38,2,39}
    (3 rows)

    Use the above query to update carts:

    update carts c
    set items = n.items, prices = n.prices
    from (
        select cartid, array_agg(c.itemid) items, array_agg(i.price) prices
        from (
            select cartid, unnest(items) itemid
            from carts
            where cartid > 0        -- startindex
            ) c
            join items i using(itemid)
        group by 1
        order by 1
        ) n
    where n.cartid = c.cartid;

    The query has to be a little bit more complicated if the order of array elements must be preserved. Use additionally order by row_number() in the stage when elements are aggregated.

    select cartid, array_agg(itemid) items, array_agg(price) prices
    from (
        select cartid, n, c.itemid, i.price
        from (
            select cartid, itemid, row_number() over (partition by cartid) n
            from (
                select cartid, unnest(items) itemid
                from carts
                where cartid > 0        -- startindex
                ) c
            ) c
            join items i using(itemid)
        order by 1, 2
        ) c
    group by 1
    order by 1;
     cartid |   items   |    prices    
          1 | {1,2,3}   | {50,36,11}
          2 | {4,5,6}   | {22,54,38}
          3 | {1,9,6,7} | {50,39,38,2}
    (3 rows)