I have a UIStepper
that increments/decrements by 1 to a UILabel
, I want to have a additional +3
button, when the +3
is pressed it does add 3 to the Label, but then if you press the UIStepper
it goes back to 1.
My code is below:
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewTwo : UIViewController, AVAudioPlayerDelegate {
override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent
/// Actions de sonido -------
@IBAction func stepperSoundRed(sender: UIStepper) {
@IBAction func stepperSoundBlue(sender: UIStepper) {
// el nombre del equipo Blue
@IBOutlet weak var teamBlueTextLabel: UILabel!
var BlueName = String()
// nombre del equipo rojo
@IBOutlet weak var teamRedTextLabel: UILabel!
var RedName = String()
// score inicial del equipo rojo
@IBOutlet weak var RedScoreLabel: UILabel!
var RedScore = String()
// score initcial equipo azul
@IBOutlet weak var BlueScoreLabel: UILabel!
var BlueScore = String()
// que funcionen los Steppers
@IBOutlet weak var RedStepperUI: UIStepper!
@IBOutlet weak var BlueStepperUI: UIStepper!
// Botón Done
@IBOutlet weak var BotonDone: UIButton!
@IBAction func BlueStepperValueChange(sender: UIStepper) {
BlueScoreLabel.text = Int(sender.value).description
@IBAction func RedStepperValueChange(sender: UIStepper) {
RedScoreLabel.text = Int(sender.value).description
@IBOutlet weak var periodUILabel: UILabel!
// archivos de sonidos
var sound = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("ping2", ofType: "mp3")!)
var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer()
required init? (coder aDecoder: NSCoder){
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
do {
try audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: sound, fileTypeHint: nil)
audioPlayer.delegate = self
} catch {
// Errors here
@IBAction func BackToViewOne(sender: UIButton) {
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
override func shouldAutorotate() -> Bool {
return true
override func supportedInterfaceOrientations() -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Landscape
// Period
@IBOutlet weak var periodUILabel2: UILabel!
@IBAction func periodAdd1(sender: UIButton) {
if(periodUILabel.text == "20") {
else {
let period = Int(periodUILabel.text!)!+1
periodUILabel.text = String(period)
@IBAction func periodMinus1(sender: UIButton) {
if(periodUILabel.text == "0") {
else {
let period = Int(periodUILabel.text!)!-1
periodUILabel.text = String(period)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// No se para que es esto??
BotonDone.layer.cornerRadius = 5
// Checamos si están vacios los nombres
if BlueName.isEmpty {
BlueName = "BLUE"
if RedName.isEmpty {
RedName = "RED"
if RedScore.isEmpty {
RedScore = "0"
if BlueScore.isEmpty {
BlueScore = "0"
// Proseguimos a asignarlos a las Labels
teamBlueTextLabel.text = BlueName
teamRedTextLabel.text = RedName
RedScoreLabel.text = RedScore
BlueScoreLabel.text = BlueScore
// Aqui vemos el Red +/-
RedStepperUI.wraps = true
RedStepperUI.autorepeat = false
RedStepperUI.value = Double(RedScore)!
RedStepperUI.maximumValue = 999
// aqui vemos el Blue +/-
BlueStepperUI.wraps = true
BlueStepperUI.autorepeat = false
BlueStepperUI.value = Double(BlueScore)!
BlueStepperUI.maximumValue = 999
let value = UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft.rawValue
UIDevice.currentDevice().setValue(value, forKey: "orientation")
@IBAction func RedPlus3UIButton(sender: UIButton) {
let CurrentScoreRed = RedStepperUI.value;
RedScoreLabel.text = String (Int(CurrentScoreRed) + 3)
@IBAction func BluePlus3UIButton(sender: UIButton) {
// BOTONES + Y -
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let DestViewController : ViewThree = segue.destinationViewController as! ViewThree
DestViewController.FinalScoreBlue = BlueScoreLabel.text!
DestViewController.FinalScoreRed = RedScoreLabel.text!
DestViewController.TeamNameR1Label = teamRedTextLabel.text!
DestViewController.TeamNameB1Label = teamBlueTextLabel.text!
class MyButtons : UIButton {
required init(coder aDecoder: (NSCoder!)) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)!
self.layer.cornerRadius = 5
self.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
self.layer.borderWidth = 1
This is the +3
@IBAction func RedPlus3UIButton(sender: UIButton) {
let CurrentScoreRed = RedStepperUI.value;
RedScoreLabel.text = String (Int(CurrentScoreRed) + 3)
You need to update the stepper's value
property. Example:
@IBAction func RedPlus3UIButton(sender: UIButton) {
RedStepperUI.value += 3
let CurrentScoreRed = RedStepperUI.value
RedScoreLabel.text = String(Int(CurrentScoreRed))