I'm using the search function in geocoder, specifically the one for an IP address:
When I type the command into the console and store the results as a variable I can view the contents:
[#<Geocoder::Result::Freegeoip:0x0000000241d848 @data={"ip"=>"",
"country_code"=>"US", "country_name"=>"United States", "region_code"=>"WA",
"region_name"=>"Washington", "city"=>"Redmond", "zip_code"=>"98052",
"time_zone"=>"America/Los_Angeles", "latitude"=>47.674, "longitude"=>-122.122,
"metro_code"=>819}, @cache_hit=nil>]
but I can't figure out how to access the results. I've tried:
results.@data.zip_code, results[@data.zip_code], results[@data.results] and pretty much every other combonation I could think of. Any ideas?
Note that this returns an array. This means that you need to do something like:
results = Geocoder.search("")
first_result = results.first
p first_result.data
p first_result.data['ip']