all of a sudden I am getting the following error which prevents me from logging in to my admin and it is also showing on header of the store front
Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR_LOG - assumed 'DIR_LOG' in /home/user/public_html/system/library/openbay/ebay.php on line 150Notice: Use of undefined constant DIR_LOG - assumed 'DIR_LOG' in /home/user/public_html/system/library/openbay/ebay.php on line 150Warning: rename(DIR_LOGebaylog.log,DIR_LOG_ebaylog_2015-10-25_00-23-22.log): No such file or directory in /home/user/public_html/system/library/openbay/ebay.php on line 150Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/user/public_html/admin/index.php:84) in /home/user/public_html/system/library/response.php on line 12
Here is the code in /home/user/public_html/system/library/openbay/ebay.php on line 150
rename(DIR_LOG . 'ebaylog.log', DIR_LOG . '_ebaylog_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.log');
and I checked and DIR_LOG is defined correctly in config.php Any help to identify and fix the issue is highly appreciated
Just fixed it by adding
define('DIR_LOG', '/home/schwann/public_html/system/logs/');
to /home/user/public_html/admin/config.php Opencart has
define('DIR_LOGS', '/home/schwann/public_html/system/logs/');
by default but it looks like openbay pro has a bug and is using DIR_LOG instead of DIR_LOGS by defining LOG and LOGS both the problem will be solved.