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How to stop Robot Framework test execution if first testcase FAIL?

As shown in below robot file, I have three testcases. I want to stop the test execution, if TESTCASE1 fails. TESTCASE2 should be executed only if TESTCASE1 passes.

*** Settings ***

Library         pythonLib

*** Test cases ***

    boot device

    configure device

    restart device  

Is there any keyword or custom way to do this ?


  • There is a command line option for this, if you want the behavior that robot should stop running as soon as any test fails. This option is --exitonfailure. From the robot framework user guide, in a section titled Stopping when the first test fails:

    If option --exitonfailure is used, test execution stops immediately if any critical test fails. Also the remaining tests are marked as failed.

    You might also want to take a look at this answer to the question Automatic failing/non-execution of interdependent tests in Robot Framework, which shows how to write a keyword to implement dependencies between test cases.