I have a TypeScript TSX file with a React component like this:
interface IHiProps {
a: string;
b: string;
interface IHiState {
class Hi extends __React.Component<IHiProps, IHiState> {
// render…
How do I correctly render this component in TypeScript?
var hiComponent: __React.Component<IHiProps, IHiState>;
hiComponent = __React.render(__React.createElement(Hi), { a: "A", b: "B" }, document.body);
This fails me with Argument of type 'typeof Hi' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentClass'. I am using definitely typed files from the DefinitelyTyped repository of Boris Yankov.
Does it work when you change your class like this?
class Hi extends __React.Component<IHiProps, IHiState> {
static propTypes: __React.ValidationMap<any> = {
a: __React.PropTypes.string,
b: __React.PropTypes.string
// render…
Also using __React
is suspicious as it is internal variable of React.d.ts. In runtime there would not be such variable - if you would not create it. Consider rather using modules:
/// <reference path="/path/to/react.d.ts" />
import * as React from React;