I had built a UIViewController
with a container a view that embeds another UIViewController(I will call it subViewController).
I want the subViewController to present anther instance of it self within its container view canvas (not for all screen).
I tried this using prepareForSegue
with this method
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"ShowArticleDetails" sender:self];
Note : the showFurtherReadingDetails
method is a delegate method for subVC over, initialized in the supperVC .
but I faced this issue:
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'There are unexpected subviews in the container view. Perhaps the embed segue has already fired once or a subview was added programmatically?'.
If your UIViewController is not embedded with UINavigationController then you can not perform Push.
What you have to do is, embed-in navigation controller with your subVC and then push new view-controller from subVC and it will be in container view and will not take the full screen.
For your convenience, I attached the screenshot of the storyboard so you can get the better understanding. Hope it will help.