i have been able to follow this answer and i can actually create multiple image size.
My question is, how can i save each path to a database.
public function store(Request $request)
$input= $request->all();
$file = $input['image'];
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileName = rand(111,999).'.'.$extension;
$image = $destinationPath . '/' .$fileName;
$upload_success= $file-> move($destinationPath,$fileName);
$doc = new Products();
$doc->name = $input['name'];
$doc->price = $input['price'];
$doc->description = $input['description'];
$doc->s_description = $input['s_description'];
$doc->brands_id = $input['brands_id'];
$doc->categories_id = $input['categories_id'];
$upload = Image::make($image)->resize(190,185)->save($destinationPath. '/' .$fileName)
->resize(100,100)->save($destinationPathlarge. '/'.$fileName);
You should create an appropriate Eloquent model.
First, run an artisan command in your project's folder.
php artisan make:model MyImage
This will create the 'MyImage' Eloquent Model and it's database migration.
Edit the newly created migration file by adding new path fields to the up() function like this:
Schema::create('my_images', function(Blueprint $table)
Run the new migration to make the changes to your database.
Then, in the App\MyImage model class, add the fillable
property to enable filling of the path fields:
class Image extends Model {
protected $fillable = [
Now add to your Controller's store action:
'path_100' => asset($destinationPathlarge. '/'.$fileName100),
'path_190' => asset($destinationPathlarge. '/'.$fileName190),
I hope it helps :)