I am trying to port a Makefile to Windows (using GNU Make). I am having trouble with removing directories. I found this question (Delete a directory and its files using command line but don't throw error if it doesn't exist) on how to conditionally remove directories, but I get an error trying to use that solution, translating approximately to The use of ""doc\html"" is syntactically impermissible in this context
The snippet causing it is this:
if exists "doc\html\" rmdir /Q /S doc\html
I also tried
cmd /c if exists "doc\html" cmd /c rmdir /Q /S doc\html
cmd /c if exists "doc\html\" cmd /c rmdir /Q /S doc\html
I also tried rmdir /Q /S doc\html 2>nul
. That works kind of. The error gets redirected, but Make still throws an error and stops.
How can I make this work?
the command is exist
not exists
. There is a typo in the thread I linked...