I want to draw a graph with Gephi, my nodes are countries and my edges correspond to trade exchanges between countries, but I have an additional information which is the exchanged product. If two countries trade different products, I happen to have several edges between two given nodes (the goal is to color them accordingly to the product). Weight is proportional to exchanged quantity.
For example I have the following edges :
source target label weight
104 0 22 0.18
64 0 22 0.18
120 0 22 0.12
120 0 31 0.09
But Gephi selects one of the edge and sums the weights...
If I choose id myself to make him undestand that even if I have the same source and target, I can have different edges, he still doesn't understand...
id source target label weight
104_0_22 104 0 22 0.18
64_0_22 64 0 22 0.18
120_0_22 120 0 22 0.12
120_0_31 120 0 31 0.09
I don't paste the picture but it is the same exactly..
Do somebody know how to handle that ?
What you are asking is to have multiple edges between nodes. This is not supported at all in Gephi, as being said here. As this post suggests you can use GraphViz and ORA. I have also seen that Cytoscape also allows multiple edges between nodes.