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Create view from mysql self referential table and another table

I have a table 'organization' with fields id and parent. parent refers to the same table (self referential key).

I have another table called 'user_organization', in which I have user_id and org_id. org_id is linked to id in 'organization' table.

Now I want to create a view, using these two tables which contains user_id and organization_id. Since member of one organization will be a member of all the child organizations, this view will contain extra values from actual user_organization table.

How can I create this view?


  • It seems, with only SQL select statement it is not possible.

    But with the help of functions, I managed to do it.

    I created a function called IsRelated(id, parent) -- which tells whether id is related to parent (if id = parent they are related):

    CREATE FUNCTION `IsRelated`(`GivenID` VARCHAR(10), ParentId VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS boolean
        DECLARE related boolean; 
        DECLARE ch INT;
        SET related = FALSE;  
        IF ParentId = GivenID THEN
            SET related = TRUE;
            SET ch = GivenID; 
            myloop: WHILE ch IS NOT NULL DO
                SELECT IF(parent_org_id = ch, NULL, parent_org_id) INTO ch FROM
                (SELECT parent_org_id FROM organizations WHERE id = ch) A;
                IF ch IS NOT NULL AND ch = ParentId THEN
                    SET related = TRUE; 
                    LEAVE myloop;
                END IF;
            END WHILE; 
        END IF;
        RETURN related;

    Then I create a view like this:

    CREATE VIEW `v_all_orgs` AS SELECT AS org, AS related_to
    FROM organizations o1
    JOIN organizations o2 ON IsRelated(,

    With these two, I created my required view in question:

    CREATE VIEW `v_all_user_orgs` AS SELECT DISTINCT user_organizations.user_id, as org_id, user_organizations.created_ts
    FROM user_organizations JOIN v_all_orgs ON v_all_orgs.related_to = user_organizations.org_id OR = user_organizations.org_id
    ORDER BY user_organizations.user_id,