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How to install active support with rbenv

I have setup ruby and rails using rbenv.

$ which ruby
$ which rails

I want to install two gems i.e. activesupport and i18n. Is the procedure same i.e. Go to terminal> type the following:

$gem install activesupport 
$gem install i18n

or for rbenv manager there is some other way? I don't want to break anything.


rbenv version 0.4.0. 
ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin15]


  • I prefer to use a Gemfile in the directory of the project I am working on.

    Your Gemfile might look like

    gem 'activesupport'
    gem 'i18n'

    Then run

    $ bundle install

    This will pull the latest versions of these gems and save them according to your defined rbenv.

    Not only that. In terms of your concerns about "breaking things", when you run bundle install a Gemfile.lock file will be created detailing the current versions of the gems used specific to the project of the directory you are working in.