I executed a ruleset on the Business Rules service on Bluemix. The XML response has an element called "unknownElement" which is not in the WSDL definition.
< DecisionServiceResponse xmlns="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" >
< ilog.rules.outputString > ... < /ilog.rules.outputString > < ilog.rules.firedRulesCount> ... < /ilog.rules.firedRulesCount > < yourResponse xmlns=".."> < unknownElement xmlns="" > ... < /unknownElement > < /yourResponse >
< /DecisionServiceResponse >
This occurred because I defined the ruleset parameter type in the XML schema (XSD), but did not declare a global element of that type.
The type of the parameter, Foo, was defined in the XSD XOM as follows:
< schema xmlns=.. xmlns:tns=.. targetNamespace=.. > < complexType name="Foo"> < attribute name="bar" type="string"></attribute > < /complexType > < /schema >
To resolve the problem, I added a global element for that type in the XSD:
< schema xmlns=.. xmlns:tns=.. targetNamespace=.. > < element name="FooElement" type="tns:Foo"></element > < complexType name="Foo"> < attribute name="bar" type="string"></attribute > < /complexType > < /schema >