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how to redraw non-visible UICollectionViewCell's after rotation ready for when reuse occurs?

How to redraw non-visible UICollectionViewCell's ready for when reuse occurs???

One approach I thought of was per the code in the Layout Cell prepareForReuse function, however whilst it works it non-optimal as it causes more re-drawing then required.

Background: Need to trigger drawRect for cells after an orientation change that are not current visible, but pop up to be used and haven't been redraw, so so far I can only see that prepareForReuse would be appropriate. Issue is I'm re-drawing all "reuse" cells, whereas I really only want to redraw those that initially pop up that were created during the previous orientation position of the device.

ADDITIONAL INFO: So currently I'm doing this:

In ViewController:

override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
    // Clear cached layout attributes (to ensure new positions are calculated)
    ( as! GCCalendarLayout).resetCache()

    // Trigger cells to redraw themselves (to get new widths etc)
    for cell in as! [GCCalendarCell] {

    // Not sure how to "setNeedsDisplay" on non visible cells here?

In Layout Cell class:

override func prepareForReuse() {
    // Ensure "drawRect" is called (only way I could see to handle change in orientation
    // ISSUE: It does this also for subsequent "prepareForReuse" after all
    // non-visible cells have been re-used and re-drawn, so really
    // not optimal

Example of what happens without the code in prepareForReuse above. Snapshot taken after an orientation change, and just after scrolling up a little bit:

enter image description here


  • I think I have it now here:

    import UIKit
    @IBDesignable class GCCalendarCell: UICollectionViewCell {
        var prevBounds : CGRect?
        override func layoutSubviews() {
            if let prevBounds = prevBounds {
                if !( (prevBounds.width == bounds.width) && (prevBounds.height == bounds.height) ) {
        override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
            // Do Stuff
            self.prevBounds = self.bounds

    Noted this check didn't work in "prepareForReuse" as at this time the cell had not had the rotation applied. Seems to work in "layoutSubviews" however.