I'd like to do a for
loop with a 5 minute delay between each in a sidekiq worker. But when I try to deploy it to Heroku it crashes my app
class DelayedCallWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Sidekiq::Status::Worker
def perform(survey_id)
@twilio_sid = ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
@twilio_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']
@twilio_number = ENV['TWILIO_NUMBER']
@survey = Survey.find(survey_id)
phone_number = @survey.call_center_number
@client = Twilio::REST::Client.new @twilio_sid, @twilio_token
@leads = @survey.leads.where(call_needed: true)
@leads.each do |lead|
@call = @client.account.calls.create(
:from => @twilio_number,
:to => lead.phone,
:url => "http://example.com/connect?number=#{phone_number}"
sleep, 180
if I comment out the sleep, 180
everything works fine, but then there's no delay.
I also tried a variation where I looped through the leads in a controller and created the worker with a longer delay per worker using perform_in(5.minutes, survey_id)
but that likewise crashed heroku.
Does anyone know what the best way is to do a delay from within a look within a sidekiq worker?
This is definitely not the kind of task you want to perform in Sidekiq. Or at least, not designed as you did.
Sidekiq is a background worker. If you keep one worker running, it will saturate the queue and not free the space for other workers.
You have two alternatives: